As the Forex Market is so big, there must be room within it for you to make a profit especially as there are so many so-called great trading tools and techniques available.Unfortunately, this is not the case and you need to view this business in a different way to understand why.
As stated, the daily turnover of the Forex Market exceeds well over $3 Trillion dollars. This colossal figure is the total sum of all the transactions traded worldwide on any given day that are initiated by a massive number of participants, each having their own agenda. In addition, some of these Forex traders are large corporations and governments who have substantial budgets at their disposal that may well exceed billions of dollars. They can generate, just on their own, very large movements in currency pairs (spikes) by the sheer size of their transactions and can do so without providing any prior warning to the rest of the market.
How does this affect you? Well, consider this sequence of events as an example. Supposed you have initiated a Forex trade, which after a number of hours of hard work, is proceeding in your intended direction as planned. You decide to take a break and maybe even brag to your partner about your latest success. After 10 minutes or so, you return to your PC station only to discover that a massive reversal has occurred completely obliterating your position including any potential profit. This type of event can happen frequently with no prior warning of any type.
Now suppose you decide to enter the fray with the princely sum of $1000 (one thousand dollars), you would quickly realise that the Forex Market is the equivalent of a hurricane tossing you about like a rustic leaf. One famous Forex advert used to say that if you do not trade Forex then you are leaving someone else to pick up $5 bills of the marketplace floor. In reality and if you had been actively trading in those days, the aforementioned $5 dollar bills would more than likely have been yours.
In fact, after trading for a while, you can quite easily become paranoid developing a feeling that Forex is haunting you personally awaiting to crush your next move without mercy. So, is it possible for an individual with limited resources to make profits trading Forex? Yes, it is but to do so you may need to fundamentally change the way you view the Forex if you have not achieved any success to date.